how we do our own family portraits

· Irvine, California ·

November 3, 2016

Yup! It's another year that mommy is forcing everyone to do a family portrait session. I'm not kidding you, it gets harder each year. And the bar for our bribe has raised since last year. -_-" BUT, there's a reason!


So you may wonder, how difficult it is to take some nice family photos…  Well, for our case, it’s a little different because everybody is part of the crew.  We carry our own stuff, pick our spot, and the kids pick their props.  Then wait for mommy to set up camera.. … …  And then after some blasts shots mommy have to go back and forth and make sure the photos are alright.  If not, the whole waiting game repeats itself.


And then sometimes, when someone is goofing around, yet another round goes again…


dsc_7734dsc_7732 Or when it’s out of focus….

dsc_7670 Or when everybody starts to lose their patience…


After all, I can’t really say it’s a fun experience for them.  And usually it takes longer to get things done then when I do for my client families… Now you see why our bribes get better each year!  But then, it’s all worth the work and hassle, because you get some priceless memories that won’t repeat ever again.  Kids grow so fast, and these are the moments we share while we all work together to create a fun experience.  I’m sure when they look back in 10-15 years, we can all laugh about how mommy was bossing around, how spiky the plants were, or how the bugs crawled up their legs!!

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Rest assured!  This is the case for us only!  I’m sure yours will be a breeze and a ton of fun. XP

xoxo, Winnie

To see our 2015 photos, click here.

And our 2014 mother’s day photos, click here.


April 14, 2016
November 6, 2017